Whinchat Financial Planning Ltd

Yorkshire Based IFA with Chartered FCSI, Chartered Financial Planner and Chartered Wealth Manager status

How we do it

We design your plan now

Financial Planning aims to give our clients objective assistance in better organising their personal and business financial affairs to more readily achieve their financial and lifestyle goals. This can lead to the recommendation of specific contracts or policies, e.g. a personal pension, but initially it will result in the production of a Financial Plan, focusing on strategy and goals.

Financial Planning Process

First Appointment

Upon appointment our first step will be to start to prepare your Comprehensive Financial Plan tailored to your particular requirements and situation.

Setting Your Goals

We will spend time talking with you to identify your goals over the short, medium and long term - how you really want to spend the rest of your life. After that we will find out details about your specific circumstances, and build up a comprehensive picture of your situation which we can then analyse.

Action Plan

This leads on to the formation of an action plan on how you can best reach and maintain your desired lifestyle. Our process and plan will explain the approach we have taken and why. The next stage is to implement that plan step by step, and we will give guidance on the most suitable way to go about this, which can include recommending products available on the market at the current time.

Regular Reviews

Progress needs to be revised at regular intervals which we will agree with you, and adjustments made as necessary, depending on changes in circumstances, your initial goals, the economy and legislation.